Step in.
This little bloggy of mine is for all those for whom viewing life in other ways is fascinating. If reading about a girl's takes and thoughts on everyday life captivates you, then yeah this is for you.


Be Warned.
Some/most amounts of matter in this blog may seem like they were plucked from random spurts of brilliantly insane moments. Hence it is under your discretion that you read/actually follow what has been written in here. The author is not in any way responsible for delusional thinking or sudden bursts of insipid rubbish talk. You have been warned.
The tale of a girl...a girl who dared to dream, who had the pluck to shout out bitter truths in the very face of the mirthless world...now stands unmasked, unveiled before you, carefully preserved within this virtual time catcher. I can continue likewise till eternity so I'd better stop now.


- Make myself useful to the world...somehow.
- Experience a miracle.
- Finish off pending novels!
- People should leave me alone unless absolutely necessary.
- Expand vocabulary
- Make a damn blogskin for god's sake...
- Stop being a total tech-addict
- Discover or prove something amazing.
- Get studying and hope to conquer the exams which generally tend to chew my brains off.
- Watch all the heart-warming/comedy/worth watching/inspirational/chick flick/oscar winning movies in the world.
- Enjoy my life while I can.
- Be worldly wise. Well. No harm in dreaming high.

Time just flew.
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
June 2010

Designer: kookies
Basecodes: takostick
Resources: 1 2 3 4
Image is made by YOURS TRULY with the help of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and some brushes. So don't you DARE steal it :D

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
"" @ 7:58:00 pm writes:

2008 is dying...

Well. I can't wait for it to get cremated.

That's right - I want to bury this year deep, deep down inside the nethermost canyons in the world - neglected coldly, to rot...hopefully along with all the harsh and bitter memories and experiences it so mercilessly shoved on me. And yes - after the most terrible year ever in my entire life - and I know that a more horrid year will never, ever come into my life; God isn't entirely ruthless - 2009 better be a somewhat more peaceful year. I know the years ahead will never be the same again for me - but still, I certainly do expect much more peace of mind next year than I got in 2008.

Switching over to the lighter side of me (yup, it's still intact - no worries there! :))...

Fireworks, crackers, balloons, cakes, countdowns blah blah blah... I'm surprised that very few of these before-mentioned New Year-package-deals are seen littered about the cityscape here - or rather, townscape. Well, it does seem like the unnerving Mumbai blasts have even left my town shaken - no surprises here; it shocked me beyond words, as well.

And well, what else made the news in 2008?
Oh yeah. The infamous elections. Don't get me wrong - I don't know the ABC's of politics and neither do I have any interest in knowing so in the near future, either - but Obama's win represented symbolically something heart-warmingly pleasant - something we've seen in scores of movies and books, something we firmly root and cheer for - the rise of the underdog. Well, kind of. Blacks, till a decade or so back, had been treated rather unfairly in the US, if the knowledge I've gained from movies stand correct. However, I'm not talking about just the Blacks. Take racial discrimination - believe me, I've faced it big time, and it really hurts you from inside. And well, coming to local levels - the underdog is present everywhere - in school, in families, in monarchy, in slavery, in fairy tales, in - well - everywhere. And mostly, it is the underdog which rises in the long run. This natural hierarchy, I applaud.

Enough intellect (though amatuer, rather. But it's a first for me - discussing something general in depth) - this would be just right to stir fry my own brain if I were the reader.

Well. Here's wishing every single soul who has the fortune to breathe on this planet a most wonderful, peaceful, merry, beautiful, exciting, fulfulling -and yeah, did I mention wonderful?- 2009! Life may seem like it's letting you down all the time but there's always something new to look forward to - and a completely new year is the best re-beginning one can ask for. So kudos to the coming year and here's hoping it brings this planet 365 peaceful days.

Some day.
Some hope.

Oh well. Cheerio!