Step in.
This little bloggy of mine is for all those for whom viewing life in other ways is fascinating. If reading about a girl's takes and thoughts on everyday life captivates you, then yeah this is for you.


Be Warned.
Some/most amounts of matter in this blog may seem like they were plucked from random spurts of brilliantly insane moments. Hence it is under your discretion that you read/actually follow what has been written in here. The author is not in any way responsible for delusional thinking or sudden bursts of insipid rubbish talk. You have been warned.
The tale of a girl...a girl who dared to dream, who had the pluck to shout out bitter truths in the very face of the mirthless world...now stands unmasked, unveiled before you, carefully preserved within this virtual time catcher. I can continue likewise till eternity so I'd better stop now.


- Make myself useful to the world...somehow.
- Experience a miracle.
- Finish off pending novels!
- People should leave me alone unless absolutely necessary.
- Expand vocabulary
- Make a damn blogskin for god's sake...
- Stop being a total tech-addict
- Discover or prove something amazing.
- Get studying and hope to conquer the exams which generally tend to chew my brains off.
- Watch all the heart-warming/comedy/worth watching/inspirational/chick flick/oscar winning movies in the world.
- Enjoy my life while I can.
- Be worldly wise. Well. No harm in dreaming high.

Time just flew.
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
June 2010

Designer: kookies
Basecodes: takostick
Resources: 1 2 3 4
Image is made by YOURS TRULY with the help of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and some brushes. So don't you DARE steal it :D

Friday, March 28, 2008
"" @ 9:40:00 pm writes:

Well! I think I've grown quite used to what had previously been dream-like(refer previous post). Now god knows how anyone is going to force me to take my books out again in eleventh. Oh well, at least till then I have two blissful months to enjoy....:)

Thining of changing my template to something slightly more cheerful...high time I stop endorsing black. I guess everyone has to live on...get going, no matter what happens. So...that's how it is with me!:)

Well....the chronicles of Pallavi were pretty enjoyable today. Watched two rented DVD movies straight flat in one sitting (The Devil Wears Prada and Legally Blonde- both great movies in their own ways, though I liked Legally Blonde better). I also went window shopping with my mom and grandmother....had to pick out clothes for my cousin's wedding.

You know, seriously, it feels so good to be out roaming in the city with my mom and grandmom....while my poor brother sits inside the confinement of his classroom....fervently writing his examination. Well, he did say the same thing to me when I was in his position. Now it's my turn to sneer at him!

Ah well, that's life. I guess next post, I'll be back with more of my 'lists'(refer archives. If you haven't, please do. 'cause one of those 'lists' can cheer up the most depressed!)....

So allow me to do my research on the lists.....allow me to depart.



Thursday, March 27, 2008
"" @ 7:36:00 pm writes:

Well, that's it. It's finally over.

Liberty is mine to embrace.

Why that quizzical look? My tenth is over, you doughnuts!!!!!!

Yeah, it's actually
over. Finished. Done with. Completed. Concluded. Through with.

I could go on, but, well, you get the idea.

The past three months...they felt so unreal. So...
illusionary(if there ever is such a word). It was tough, yes, 'cause of certain...unfortunate events. But I went through this supposed 'ordeal'. Quite okay, in my opinion.

In my friend's words, we're 'free birds' now!:) I guess you can figure out the underlying and much-suppressed joy present in this post of mine...guess I'm gong to blog quite frequently now.

Until, of course, the end of May, when the results come out. Even as I type this out, a deep, creeping fear claws quietly at my insides...will I make it? Will I get the desired results? Will my results lessen my personal grieviences? Will...?

Anyway. I'll forget this now(if I can)....'cos I have a lot more stuff to do.....like
create a list of films-to-watch(speaking of which, my friends and I watched 27 Dresses today!)......or...you know...taunt my brother, because he has exams and I don't....ah well. The list is endless.

So, with that cheerful thought in mind, I gracefully depart from this post.
