Step in.
This little bloggy of mine is for all those for whom viewing life in other ways is fascinating. If reading about a girl's takes and thoughts on everyday life captivates you, then yeah this is for you.


Be Warned.
Some/most amounts of matter in this blog may seem like they were plucked from random spurts of brilliantly insane moments. Hence it is under your discretion that you read/actually follow what has been written in here. The author is not in any way responsible for delusional thinking or sudden bursts of insipid rubbish talk. You have been warned.
The tale of a girl...a girl who dared to dream, who had the pluck to shout out bitter truths in the very face of the mirthless world...now stands unmasked, unveiled before you, carefully preserved within this virtual time catcher. I can continue likewise till eternity so I'd better stop now.


- Make myself useful to the world...somehow.
- Experience a miracle.
- Finish off pending novels!
- People should leave me alone unless absolutely necessary.
- Expand vocabulary
- Make a damn blogskin for god's sake...
- Stop being a total tech-addict
- Discover or prove something amazing.
- Get studying and hope to conquer the exams which generally tend to chew my brains off.
- Watch all the heart-warming/comedy/worth watching/inspirational/chick flick/oscar winning movies in the world.
- Enjoy my life while I can.
- Be worldly wise. Well. No harm in dreaming high.

Time just flew.
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
June 2010

Designer: kookies
Basecodes: takostick
Resources: 1 2 3 4
Image is made by YOURS TRULY with the help of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and some brushes. So don't you DARE steal it :D

Friday, April 04, 2008
"Give it a read! - eBooks, audiobooks or good old paperbacks?" @ 9:09:00 pm writes:

Give it a read! - eBooks, audiobooks or good old paperbacks?

Reading is, I proclaim at the risk of sounding highly cliched, a healthy way to kill time. Books have that uncanny ability to, well, practically grab us into their own worlds, where things actually happen in more exciting ways than they do in real life. In books, events happen which are touted by the characters as their destinies to witness, their fates to experience.

But in real life, not all events that happen in our life has a purpose. For example, the author of a mystery novel would never mention a seemingly casual drive around the city unless she or he meant for the character to face with an accident, or maybe pick out a clue along the drive, or something. But real life people do just go out on drives just for the fun of it, without anything eventful actually happening to them.

Well, you may say that the author does not include matter irrelevent to her plot, but readers most often don't think of that. They are too caught up in the characters' fascinating adventures, or miserably wondering why their lives weren't so eventful, to delve deep inside the author's mind.

Like a couple of hours back, when I started on this mystery novel borrowed from my friend , I completely devoured the whole book (between which my extremely annoying brother tried to read aloud the ending to the novel, but not before I snatched the book away and locked myself up in another room to peacefully continue reading, waiting patiently for the bad guy to reveal himself) in a couple of hours, in a whole sitting. I was so absorbed, so...well...intrigued by the storyline that I was, in typical American book-review lingo, 'hooked' to the book.

I recently downloaded 'Emma' by Jane Austen in the form of a legal, free e-book, from www.gutenburg.org. It showed up in Adobe Acrobat Reader, the printed words all laid out in front of me, on the LCD screen of my laptop, ready to be comprehended and read. But you know what? I don't think I survived through the first page of it.

Why, you may ask.

Because it just isn't fun. It just doesn't provide that right atmosphere, that familiar, comforting smell of new(or old) paper, or folding the corners of the pages as bookmarks( yes, I still do that, due to the sad fact that out of the dozens of bookmarks I tried to make, most of them either get misplaced or lost), or getting the actual feeling of holding the rectangular thing in your hands and flipping to the next page using your fingers to touch the paper, not to click the mouse.

Audiobooks prove to be another annoying example. I don't know about people, but I personally find it excruciatingly long and boring to actually listen to some random guy reading out the words of a book into your ears. How annoying is that! You can't even turn back the pages for rereading(okay, there's the rewind button, but I think flipping is better than rewinding). Plus, like in the case of ebooks, you can't get that feel of reading a real book.

I'm not saying ebooks or audiobooks are bad, or anything, because they do tend to save an awful lot of money when going for classics or non-fiction (newly released fiction books cannot be legally downloaded as they have copyright protection). I merely fear that they are actually replacing the actual paperbacks and hardbacks found in your corner bookstore. I know there are hundreds out there who are hard-core 'real book' fans, who detest ebooks and audiobooks, or those who haven't even heard of the before-mentioned terms. To them , I salute wholeheartedly.

And to those who still think the age-old notion 'reading is boring', then please give the Xth std CBSE History textbook a read.

Finally. Let me get back, my stomach is screaming for dinner...after which I intend to curl up comfortably with yet another book in my hand, hoping to finish it tonight itself.

Until then,
Keep imagining.



Wednesday, April 02, 2008
"" @ 1:45:00 pm writes:

OK right, I'm back (two posts in a day-whoa!) with a new list, which is slightly different from the rest. It has all sorts of crazy and unanswered questions...some may be familiar to you, some may not. So go ahead, read them and enjoy....

Life's Mysteries (courtsey of www.crazythoughts.com) (Handpicked by me)

Well....whew, that was like, the longest list ever, and I had to personally copy and paste each and everything in the list!!!! My fingers hurt....so....I depart, hoping you all enjoyed(if you could bear to go through the whole list) reading them....

While you puzzle your brains over these questions, I take a break from typing...



"" @ 11:38:00 am writes:

Sometimes I really wonder - why do people blog? What is the ultimate purpose of blogging? Is it to vent out our feelings into an unkown, vast, complex web of information? Is it because we have something to tell which needs to be heard? If the latter's the reason, who's going to hear it? What are the odds that people just google in 'thoughts' and they stumble upon our blog?

The truth is, this world called the net is so huge, so limitless that our blog is no more than a drop in the ocean. What with so many websites offering free blog hosting or web page hosting, do you really think people are going to listen to you? I don't.

Well, after this absolutely insane and seemingly absurd post, I sign off. I hope I update the next post with more 'lists'.

And oh yeah, how do y'all like my new template?

Until next time.