Step in.
This little bloggy of mine is for all those for whom viewing life in other ways is fascinating. If reading about a girl's takes and thoughts on everyday life captivates you, then yeah this is for you.
Be Warned.
Some/most amounts of matter in this blog may seem like they were plucked from random spurts of brilliantly insane moments. Hence it is under your discretion that you read/actually follow what has been written in here. The author is not in any way responsible for delusional thinking or sudden bursts of insipid rubbish talk. You have been warned.
The tale of a girl...a girl who dared to dream, who had the pluck to shout out bitter truths in the very face of the mirthless world...now stands unmasked, unveiled before you, carefully preserved within this virtual time catcher. I can continue likewise till eternity so I'd better stop now.
- Make myself useful to the world...somehow.
- Experience a miracle.
- Finish off pending novels!
- People should leave me alone unless absolutely necessary.
- Expand vocabulary
- Make a damn blogskin for god's sake...
- Stop being a total tech-addict
- Discover or prove something amazing.
- Get studying and hope to conquer the exams which generally tend to chew my brains off.
- Watch all the heart-warming/comedy/worth watching/inspirational/chick flick/oscar winning movies in the world.
- Enjoy my life while I can.
- Be worldly wise. Well. No harm in dreaming high.
Time just flew.
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
June 2010
1 2 3 4
Image is made by
YOURS TRULY with the help of
Adobe Photoshop CS3 and some brushes. So don't you DARE steal it :D
Sunday, February 17, 2008
"" @ 2:47:00 pm writes:
This time, absolutely no apologies for my rather shameless hiatus, 'cause this post i albeit serious. I've changed, frankly speaking. For the worse. And so has my previously marvelous life.
Life can get really, really strange. Seriously, I mean, one moment, you're just playing happy-go-lucky and the next thing you know, you've got a stone in your heart so heavy, it sags. Something of that sort's happened to me (hence explaining the new layout). My dreams, my hopes, my wishes...how can they all be shattered in a single day? Incredulous as it sounds, it has.
Death of a loved one can bring about many changes in a person...some positive, some negative. But really, it's not at all like in the movies....till a few weeks back I was perfectly content with me, myself, and I....my deepest desires being to go through my schooldays without any major embarrassment and to get reasonable marks. Now, every inch of me yearns for the huge chunk of my life which has been mercifully torn out, one person who has been with me for all fifteen years of my life, catering to my every request or need, helping me out from any sticky situation...my father.
This post, I proclaim, is a tribute to my father.
I mean, seriously. I think if you look at the blog archive, you can kind of figure out my character. But this post is entirely different, 'cause unlike my previous posts, I'm not typing this with me, myaelf and I in mind; I'm typing this with my Dad in mind. About my dad, not me.
Like I said, death can bring about a positive change in one's attitude. But heck, I'd have my father back anyday rather than being a saint....but I guess wishing for him to come back is like catching time. Someone should change the proverb 'Time and tide waits for no man' to 'Time, tide and death waits for no man'. I would give anything in this universe to rewind back three to four months in time, get my dad to do an ECG and get him to realise that his arteries are blocked. So that he can be saved.
Just like in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry and Hermione save Buckbeak.
Anyway. Moving on.
I think I;ve pretty much written everything I can right now. Thinkin' about moving this blog elsewhere cause the address sounds so deceptive. 4everpalz. As if my name's ever gonna change. Nothing's forever. I'm not gonna be here forever, I'm a mortal. ANd the blog's title - Simply Pallavi - spells out M-E. Selfish, unthinking, merciless, greedy me.
I should stop now.
More later.