Step in.
This little bloggy of mine is for all those for whom viewing life in other ways is fascinating. If reading about a girl's takes and thoughts on everyday life captivates you, then yeah this is for you.
Be Warned.
Some/most amounts of matter in this blog may seem like they were plucked from random spurts of brilliantly insane moments. Hence it is under your discretion that you read/actually follow what has been written in here. The author is not in any way responsible for delusional thinking or sudden bursts of insipid rubbish talk. You have been warned.
The tale of a girl...a girl who dared to dream, who had the pluck to shout out bitter truths in the very face of the mirthless world...now stands unmasked, unveiled before you, carefully preserved within this virtual time catcher. I can continue likewise till eternity so I'd better stop now.
- Make myself useful to the world...somehow.
- Experience a miracle.
- Finish off pending novels!
- People should leave me alone unless absolutely necessary.
- Expand vocabulary
- Make a damn blogskin for god's sake...
- Stop being a total tech-addict
- Discover or prove something amazing.
- Get studying and hope to conquer the exams which generally tend to chew my brains off.
- Watch all the heart-warming/comedy/worth watching/inspirational/chick flick/oscar winning movies in the world.
- Enjoy my life while I can.
- Be worldly wise. Well. No harm in dreaming high.
Time just flew.
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
February 2009
June 2010
1 2 3 4
Image is made by
YOURS TRULY with the help of
Adobe Photoshop CS3 and some brushes. So don't you DARE steal it :D
Saturday, March 31, 2007
"" @ 10:31:00 pm writes:
Sooo......my results are out, and I'm not gonna tell you anything. My lips are sealed!! All I can say is, I am quite content with them, especially English (I broke a record!!). And also that I'm promoted to 10 A. That's it. No more words on my results.
I guess this whole weekend is for mental preparation for Monday.....but that is most unlikely. I prefer to use today in thinking up of most creative practial jokes for tomorrow(Guess what's tomorrow??? Fred and George's birthday!!!And something more....). But I guess this day is, in a sense, wasted, as I just remembered it was April Fools' tomorrow only a few minutes back. I'm totally robbed of any idea for even extracting a single laugh from anyone! Help!!! Of course, fake phone calls are always a tradition, but even in that, I fail miserably. My prime targets used to be my grandparents, but being the grandparents they were, they never failed to catch me even in my first line of 'disguised' voice!! Since they are now residing with me, I gotta think of other targets- and fast, before the day ends! My friends and cousins [a certain (paternal; that's clue enough!) cousin - you know who you are and you are probably thinking of ways to trick me too, right now!!], of course, are shortlisted. Wonder who'll be the unfortunate one nutty enough to fall for my pathetic jokes?? Maybe no one...Sniff! Ah well. I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that I score zero in the humour area....
Let me get that funny bone to work....or rather, funny brain to work. Till then, Cheerio! And remember- TAG!!!! I'm getting very little taggers!!Come on, people! Get those fingers typing!!! And this goes to WeiTing, too!!!:D
"" @ 12:50:00 pm writes:
Finally, the book jacket covers of Harry Potter has been released!!!! Here they are, along with my views on them:
UK Children's Edition
First of all, enlarge the picture. Notice that all three of them(if you don't know which three I am referring to, you might as well skip this post!)on the front cover are not carrying any wands, and also that Ron is carrying a ruby- encrusted sword(Guess whose it is!!!) which is obviously Godric's relic, and also possibly a horcrux, according to me. All three of them seem to be being sucked into some sort of a hole...or the arch which does not have the veil(got this idea from Mugglenet). Well, and of course, the marvelous castle on your left is, no doubt, Hogwarts. Is that a prophecy on the extreme left?? It contains an entwined snake(Nagini??). Hmmm.....
US Cover
Well, well, well! The two people on the cover are...hmm...let me think....(again, if you do not recognize them, this post is so not for you!!). Notice the ragged curtains....According to Mugglenet, they seem to be fighting it out in a colosseum in Rome, Italy....unlikely! Observe I think they are on a stage....with a painted backdrop (wild as this idea seems, it may just click with Jo!)......or the spectators at the back are Death Eaters.......or maybe some merely interested audience, all ready to watch a fight!Or it might just be Harry and Voldemort acting in a drama on a stage and are acting out some real dramatic scene, and are being watched and applauded by the audience!!Lol!

UK Adult Edition
What do you think the cover depicts???
Till my next post....Ciao!
Friday, March 30, 2007
"" @ 11:58:00 pm writes:
Imagine..........Never, ever stifle your imaginations.For it is solely the power and creativeness of your imagination which guides you through to pure bliss in life....so, as an advice(a rather inexperienced, but heartfelt one), I request you not to capture or hold back your imagination, to let it run free and wild and as maniacal as you desire.It is night fall, and I guess it is natural that at the peak of our drowsiness, we tend to go slightly...overboard...and we also tend to write nonsensical, non- logical and laughable stuff in our so- called 'dynamic' blogs.......And we also have startlingly crazy imaginations...contradictiong my advice, please do not let your imagination go that awry... that would be a different case and people would know you by a different name then.... Before I confuse you further, let me wish you all a crazy but beautiful night floating with all sorts of mad, but delightful dreams....Alvida!!
"" @ 11:11:00 pm writes:
Me finally back, I guess...I'm working on a logo for my new 'website', or whatever you choose to call it....its at www.geocities.com/writestand. It's for young authors. Don't even try to click on anything, haven't even added a link! The only thing you can do there is to admire my rather newfound 'talent' for making such a sweet logo!!
Okay, now, I'm suffering from a rather severe bout of Potterfever, or Pottermania, whichever sounds more apt. I find myself spending sleepless nights just wondering what on earth is gonna happen to my dear little harry and his friends, and who on earth is gonna die! The blame is laid on Mugglenet's 'What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7', which has inevitably built up my already overflowing suspense!!! Damn that book! Although....I personally think it was excellently written, and well laid out. It makes Harry Potter much simpler. Long live, Mugglenet! This site's as good as its tagline; it truly is the ULTIMATE Harry Potter site!! Well, in my opinion at least.
So.....school begins on Monday!! Gone will be my blogging days, so get ready with a tissue!! Well, I won't completely stop blogging, I can assure you of a post only once in a week or so. Tomorrow, y results will be out, and my lips will inexplicably refuse to curve up(I just hope not, I'm being negative, aren't i??)!! All my faithful subjects, clasp your hands in serious prayer for the upcoming, hopefully fulfilling results which are probably being stacked up by my teacher now, all ready for distribution the next morning!!! In simpler words, pray for me! Please!
Now, allow me to part from my keyboard with the comforting feeling that dozens out there will be immersed in their calls to God for my results......although that seems as likely as me refusing to read Harry Potter....that means it is next to impossible. Ah well. I guess He would have to be content with just a single, heartfelt plea. Till then, toodles!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
"" @ 3:54:00 pm writes:
Whew, was that a looong post or what!! I'm into fan fiction lately and I enjoy mostly Harry Potter, Hannah Montana and Artemis Fowl fan fictions. I did have a rather awkward first attempt to write one of my own in Harry Potter, but I guess I'm better off writing just plain fiction. My fan fiction included Petunia turning slightly nicer towards Harry. I stopped at the first chapter sfter getting no reviews. Oh well.
Sometimes, after reading a book, or watching a movie, I really like to ponder upon the endings. I like to think, like, what if this happened, or if that didn't happen. All those pretend incidents come to my mind like little movies, where I am the director and scriptwriter. It is fun, I must admit, but can get scary at times, too. I guess this is just completely weird. In Primary 5 and 6, I used to write Harry Potter fan fiction, but I hadn't realised it was actually fan fiction. I had just thought it was a nice way to spend time.....
Oh well.
Here I am, writing all sorts of nonsense in my blog, while I seriously ought to get those juices oozing...get my brain to work in search of a good plot....till then, tata!
Monday, March 26, 2007
"" @ 11:23:00 pm writes:
This post is especially for all you people who long for some yummy new thing to eat. Presenting my new......well,actually my grandmom's....dairy innovation. Yeah, you heard right. A dairy innovation. Well, this recipe of mine could sound bad and is awfully time- consuming(and i mean awfully), but believe me, patience has its rewards - the result is absolutely lip- smacking for all lovers of dairy products. Warning: NEVER try this out if you aren't a fan of curd or chillies(but for those like me who detest hot and spicy food, do not worry! This can be made as non- spicy as curd, or as fiercely blazing hot as per your wishes!) And, oh yeah, it would help if you had a backgarden, this recipe would definitely not work for those living in the confined cells of flats...which sadly includes me. But I tried this out at my grandparents' where there is ample space to run about(yeah, if you don't want neighbours poking fun at your weird 'innovation', cover it up!).
Now, I think suspense is simply oozing out of you and I can give my word for it that this recipe is not a disappointer for most people(however, there are a few who totally detests this....but prepare to take the risk!) So, here goes...........
Materials needed
1. Get off the chair, go to the market, spend a few bucks and get a whole packet of green chillies.
2. A tip- for those who do not like spicy food, try to pick out the long and slender chillies, and fat and short ones for the adventurous ones.
3.Kitchen stuff- make a single, fine slit length- wise on the chillies and put them in a bowl of sour curd(add salt to curd) overnight.
4. In the morning, take them out from the curd through a filter so that the curd comes out, leaving you with the chillies. You want to keep the curd, don't throw it.
5.Now comes the time- consuming part. Lay some canvas or something out in your backyard where there is the sun's merciless heat beating down(Duh, you've got to do it in summer!).
6.Keep the chillies on the canvas for drying.
7. When the sun sets, take them inside, put them in the same salty, sour curd and leave them overnight.
8.Repeat the process for about a week(did I mention it was time- consuming???) until the water from the curd has evaporated, leaving a coat of solid curd on the chillies.
9.Fry the chillies at low fire, in oil.
10.Now....take a few dollops of nice, creamy curd in a bowl.
11.Mash a couple of fried chillies into the curd. Add more chillies if you want it spicy.
12.Mix the chillies and curd, pop in a spoon, open your mouth, and savour this yummy treat!
Well, if you think this is a total waste of time, don;t bother to even try it out. This is only for those who are bored and jobless at home, or those who have a special attraction towards cooking and trying out new food stuff. Credits go to my grandparents and my dear cousin. Well, so long, dear friends!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
"" @ 8:30:00 pm writes:
Life is looking up....and I'm on cloud nine. Why else? My 9th is finally over!!! Well, not officially, as the results are not out, but still......
I'll drop down to the sixes and sevens soon, for school re- opens in a week....
A request- pleeeeeeeeeease tag!!!! I'm missing you people!! Accolades go to only certain people for faithfully checking my blog for updates. You know who you are, and I thank you from the pit of my heart.
All of you who missed what I said in my profile, check out my story at http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1229805.
I would like comments on my new layout(all credits go to Drogue Designs, who are excellent blogskin makers). I hope to make my own skin someday, too. Some hope.
I'm in the process of writing a really long post for a whacky new recipe, so keep checking, you faithful surfers!! Till then, toodles!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
"M e F I N A L L Y B a c k !" @ 10:16:00 pm writes:
Okay, all you faithful readers out there who are just dying to get a glimpse of your favourite blog's update(that would only be a handful, sadly. Frankly, my blog ain't famous!), here I am, back after an annoyingly long hiatus of almost- crap- a year! My comeback now can definitely assure you that from now on, this blog is totally dynamic! And I mean it. Yup, it's really me, Pallavi, and I hope this lowers those raised eyebrows! Me, unveiled, out in this wonderful entwined web of people which is popularly known as the net! Enough intros, seriously....Well, I've made my...er.....fourth(?) move ever since I shifted from Singapore. This time, the lucky city which gets to shelter me is Chennai, down south of India. I guess I'm coming closer to home with every move. Oh man, are moves getting depressing, or what?! Believe me, I seriously broke down on the last day of my school life in Delhi! And that too, in front of my teacher! Embarassing, or what!!! I mean, people are like, so sweet to me when they find out I'm leaving. Even people who absolutely loathe me(don't get any ideas, no one loathes me. Not prefer is a more appropriate word.) actually burst into tears! And there I was, blushing till my cheeks turned into tomatoes......Poor me!
I totally survived the move, which was nothing short of a downright miracle...so, here I am, alive and kicking, quite content with the new batch of friends I've made in my current school....God knows when I'd have to bid alvida to them(btw I found KANK just about the most nauseating, or pukable movie ever!)...
Actually, moves are kind of fun, I guess...I mean, I still know each and every gossip that is going around my school in Delhi, all thanks to a certain Graham Bell! I mean, come on, it's 2007, for heavens' sake!!!
Before you start yawning, allow me to sign off. Here's a parting thought- TAG!!!